
Stitch Niche

Stitch Niche is an application designed to assist with resizing and designing crochet and knitting patterns. Stitch Niche will help those of all skill levels be able to customize their patterns to fit their needs. Stitch Niche is unique because it tackles the difficult task of resizing patterns that often requires a great deal of time and effort to do the calculations. This application hopes to make working on the projects you want to make a little easier!

UX Team Members

User-Centered Design Artifacts

Phase I: Analyzing Users, Competitors, and Initial Designs

Executive Summary

This first report covers the research methods and results from the UX team’s contributions to the first sprint in the Development of Stitch Niche. This first sprint focuses on the user being able to resize a rectangular pattern for both crochet and knitting.

Three Main Goals of MVP:

Competitive Analysis:

Heuristic Evaluation:

User Stories and Personas:


Full phase I report

Phase II: Refining interaction and designing wireframes

Executive Summary

This second report covers the research methods and results from the UX team’s contributions to the second sprint in the Development of Stitch Niche. This second sprint focuses on implementing additional pattern shapes and features to the application.

Three Main Goals of MVP:

Informal Feedback:

​​Cognitive Walkthrough:


Full phase II report

Phase III: Prototypes and User Testing

Executive Summary

In the third sprint, the Stitch Niche UX team focused on creating a functioning prototype that would be used in a User Test to gather information about the application’s current state and indicate if there are areas in need of change or improvement.


Various artifacts were created in order to lead to a successful user test guaranteeing us the most accurate and consistent data .


IRB documentation:

User Testing

User testing was conducted with a group of volunteers in order to gather feedback about the application.

The Stitch Niche Prototype was very well received. The design was very easy for users to follow and interact with. User Test participants heavily desired some sort of Visualization for their patterns amongst other features discussed in the full report.

Full phase III report