Pantry pal is an application to assist it’s users in keeping track of grocery items they have purchased, knowing when those items expire, allowing users to find recipes that use the items they currently have, and creating grocery lists within the application. In doing these things for it’s users, PantryPal will help reduce food waste and cut down on grocery costs.
UX Team Members
- Chloe Koschnick - Initial sketches, analysis and evaluations, wireframes, prototypes, Script
- Samuel Simpson - Analysis and evaluations, wireframes, prototypes, Script
User-Centered Design Artifacts
Phase I: Analyzing Users, Competitors, and Initial Designs
Executive Summary
- Competitive analysis revealed that features across the competitors were all similar, but very few offered cross platform access, and many were for specific device operating systems
- Heuristic evaluation of a close competitor had a significant weaknesses in its complexity and error tolerance
- Users of this type of service will prefer something streamlined and incredibly efficient to use
- Confirmation before actions that modify important data will be important to users
- Development of personas and scenarios confirm the findings of analysis and evaluations. Users want:
- A simple and easy to use application
- An application that is usable anywhere and any time
- The Sketches and Diagrams implement important features, like additional error tolerances and minimal buttons to contribute to a simplified UI
Full phase I report
Phase II: Refining interaction and designing wireframes
Executive Summary
- Informal feedback revealed opportunities for improvement of user satisfaction with the following functionalities:
- Displaying quantity of items: users have an incomplete view of their pantry when they do not know how much of an item is in their pantry.
- Addition of Sorting Methods: users want more control over the way that the items in their pantry are sorted.
- Cognitive Walkthrough highlighted areas that had missing or incomplete features that affect the functionality of the app, such as the inability to input an expiration date, add an item from their shopping list to their pantry, and track the quantity of each item.
- Wireframes illustrate modifications to support previously missing features.
- Quantity tracking to give the user a more complete idea of their pantry and needs.
- Expiration date input for accurate and specific dates.
- Ability to add an item from the grocery list directly to the pantry which dramatically decreases the amount of work needed by the user.
Full phase II report
Phase III: Prototypes and User Testing
Executive Summary
- PantryPal Prototype application allows for a high fidelity look at the application.
- The Pilot Test was conducted and feedback from real users was recorded.
- Both Quantitative and Qualitative data was collected.
- Data revealed that the PantryPal application is significantly more efficient than competitors.
- The PantryPal application is well received by users, but users want more emphasis on visual design aspects of the application.
Full phase III report